+49 (0) 21 91 89 10
In der Fleute 2
42897 Remscheid


Sale of the France division unit of SMS-Elotherm France SAS to EO GROUP

SMS-Elotherm GmbH, of Remscheid, Germany, a market leader in induction technology and EO GROUP, a market leader in providing…


SMS ELOTHERM South America has moved

To support our continuous expansion in the South-American induction heating, hardening and service market, we have moved to a…


White paper – story of success

For a new hardening zone on a gear ring, we had many ideas how to harden the tooth area. However, we wanted to try out different…


Additive Manufacturing

Optimized production processes: SMS Elotherm offers you additively manufactured inductors and quenching showers. Their high…


Visiting Thyssenkrupp Gerlach

SMS Elotherm visits thyssenkrupp Gerlach to align on the PL20 project status. We thank thyssenkrupp Gerlach for showing us the…


Inductor managemant system

Do you wish keeping your inductors separate or seeing and logging all important live data of your inductors easily?

We have the…


Revamping and upgrading your machines

Use the chance to revamp your machine now! Reduce downtime, increase throughput and prepare for current and future business.


New designed emptying device for SMS Elotherm heating machines

We offer you a new emptying device for our ELO-FORGE L and ELO-FORGE XL.

The device is useful for emptying the machine under…


New standards for induction hardening

Our cost-effective, flexibly configurable machine concept for induction hardening offers a range of available modules to tailor…


Digitized hardening processes

We have digitalized our processes with ELO-CONNECT to help you improving production results and at the same time reducing costs.…


New designed coils

Do you know our new designed coils?

More than 60% time saving by simplified assembly and disassembly of the single coils placed…


New order of an ELO-FORGE XL

After intensive project planning, together with our customer thyssenkrupp Gerlach, SMS Elotherm was awarded a contract to supply…


Information about we are dealing with the coronavirus

Dear customers,


The situation around the new Corona-virus is developing fast and affects our daily lives globally. I wanted…


Successful commissioning

Towards the end of 2019 and as planned, SMS ELOTHERM successfully commissioned the first EloForge L at our long term and good…
